
  • PayPal:
    1. Open or create your PayPal account
    2. Click “Send and Request” at the top of the page
    3. Select the type of payment: “Friend”
    4. Enter Recipient’s email address: [email protected]
    5. Choose the payment type and amount. Click “Continue”.
      You can add the message, such as “Nguyễn Văn A đóng góp nhà thờ $20.00”
      or “Nguyễn Văn A đóng tiền nguyệt liễm $50.00”
      or “Nguyễn Văn A xin lễ giỗ $20.00 cho linh hồn Giuse ngày 5 tháng 4”
    6. Review the details. You can change your funding by clicking “Change” under “Payment method”.
    7. Click “Continue”.
    8. Review your payment and click “Send Money”.
    9. Once you send money, both you and your recipient will be notified.
  • Zelle:
    1. Sign in to your Mobile Banking app or Online Banking.
    2. Select “Transfer ǀ Zelle® in the navigation menu.
    3. Enter Recipient’s email address: [email protected]
    4. Choose the payment amount. Click “Continue”.
    5. Once you send money, both you and your recipient will be notified.